Brown Ledge is a residential camp for girls ages 10-17 located on Malletts Bay of Lake Champlain in Northern Vermont. We are known for our Freedom of Choice philosophy, our excellent instruction in our activities, and a lively community that fosters independent living and personal growth.
Our Freedom of Choice philosophy creates a dynamic energy at Brown Ledge. Everyone is either on their way to do something, have just accomplished something or are taking a quick break before deciding what to do next. Without a set schedule, girls find plenty of time to learn, to have fun, and to appreciate being in a beautiful place with their new and old friends.
At Brown Ledge, we work hard at fun and laughter! But for us, fun brings far more lasting pleasure when it is accompanied by a true sense of accomplishment. With that in mind, our counselors teach in one department, and are chosen for their ability to teach that activity. To provide the ultimate learning atmospehere, we strive to provide excellent equipment and facilities. Most important, we let you, the camper, decide your own program…every day!
Our traditional summer camp, for four or eight weeks, is an exciting opportunity for your daughter. She will learn new skills, meet new friends, and become a part of a community that values fun, accomplishments, and the limitless ability of girls. While we do not promise to be all things to all people, we do feel that our program offers nearly unlimited opportunity for self-discovery and self realization.
One of Brown Ledge’s most important assets is our staff. As with our campers, Brown Ledge counselors represent a variety of skills, personalities and backgrounds.
Welcome Back! We’re grateful for the strong network of alums – campers and counselors – who stay connected with each other and with their Brown Ledge experience. Whether it’s been months, years, or decades since you last walked among the trees, sang camp songs around the table, breathed in the smells of the horses, or immersed yourself in the cool waters of Lake Champlain, we’re glad you’re here. Brown Ledge Spirit never dies!
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