7:15am Reveille – First bugle of the day. There are a few more calls before breakfast but this first call helps us all to start waking up.
7:45am Breakfast – We eat all of our meals together in the dining hall, family style.
8:25am End of meal – Girls head back to their cabins to straighten up and change for the day.
9:00am Activities open – Campers go where they like for as long as they like. Only riding lessons are scheduled, and they will be the same time everyday, so you can plan your day around that hour.
12:00pm Activities close – Not to worry! They’ll be back in the afternoon.
12:30pm Lunch – Announcements are made after every meal to update campers on important information.
1:30pm Rest Hour – Campers spend rest hour in their cabin with their junior counselor.
2:30pm Activities Re-open – Often rehearsals for theatre are in the afternoon.
5:00pm Activities Close – Between 5pm and 6pm, campers have an entirely free hour. Many will spend this time hanging out in their cabins, heading to the bathhouse for a shower or reading in the grove area.
6:00pm Dinner – Campers are assigned to a table for the week. Every Thursday, campers change tables and sit with a new group for the next week.
7:15pm Evening Activity – Male counselors share the responsibility of hosting an evening activity. This, like much at Brown Ledge, is optional. Tennis courts are open in the evening. Rehearsals for theatre may be scheduled. And a series of special events are hosted in the evening hours.
8:45pm Call to Cabins Bugle – This call reminds campers that they need to prepare to head back to their cabin for the night.
9:00pm Counselor Time** – Your senior counselor spends the next half hour with you and your cabin.
9:30pm Taps – is blown by the Bugler. Counselor time ends. Campers can socialize quietly with each other and with neighboring cabins during “Visiting Hour”.
10:00pm Lights out for younger campers (10-11 years old).
10:30pm Lights out for older campers (12 and older).
**Counselors do not live in the cabins with campers. Two senior, and two junior, staff members have “evening duty” every night. Evening duty makes sure that campers settle down and go to sleep after lights out. Evening duty is also available if a camper needs assistance after her counselor has left for the night. One of our nurses is on call every night in case of a medical emergency.**