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Help Complete Brown Ledge’s New Health Center
2020 has been rough. We all watched the campers of 2020 lose an entire summer of forging their own paths and building lifelong friendships at Brown Ledge ...
A Statement from Brown Ledge
Our mission statement and philosophy inspire Brown Ledgers to develop their own sense of community and responsibility at Camp, so that we may carry ...
Brown Ledge Summer 2020
Dear Brown Ledge Community, It is with an extremely heavy heart that camp’s leadership and the Board of Directors announce Brown Ledge Camp must ...
COVID-19 Update 03/11/20
Dear Parents, Last weekend we had a Brown Ledge Foundation Board Meeting in Boston. The Board provides an extra layer of support for Brown Ledge, ...
COVID-19 Update 03/18/20
Dear Parents, The saying goes that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Here’s hoping that March and the ...
COVID-19 Update 04/13/20
Dear Parents, For those of you who celebrated Passover or Easter this past week, we hope that you had a lovely, if slightly different or ...
Words Matter: “Rude” vs “Mean” vs “Bully”
By: Kathy Neilsen Have you ever noticed that words can lose their meaning, or at least their power because of overuse? That happened to us ...
Challenging the Cult of Speed
Challenging the Cult of Speed by Kathy Neilsen It is hard to pinpoint when the era of excess in children’s activities began. Most baby ...
A Reflection from Upper Alps
Second only to “does this freedom of choice philosophy really work?”, we hear the question: “why do you have male staff at an all girls ...
The Incredible Power of Nostalgia
By Cara Jacobstein Zimmerman Brown Ledge was an integral part of my childhood. Like many alumnae, camp played a huge role in my social, emotional ...
Why I Left Sunny SoCal for Vermont for Six Summers
by: Kendall Van Nort The night before my father dropped me off in Mallets Bay for my first Brown Ledge summer in 2005, I hysterically cried. ...
Let’s Talk
by: Kathy Neilsen We know that cell phones are ever present in modern American life. What is less clear is the effect that this ...
Why I Serve …
Why I Serve on Brown Ledge’s Board of Directors By Abbey Dodd Not only am I tremendously fortunate to have been raised in a ...
Harry E. Brown’s Information for Campers
We never get tired of reading HEB’s essay on what it means to be a camper at BLC. Whether it is 1927, 1952, 1978, 1999, or 2015 – our philosophy ...
Why Camp is More Important than College
Written by: Annie Solberg Sarnblad (Alum, Parent, and Board Member) When friends hear that we send our girls to sleepover camp for 8 weeks each summer ...
Campers Live Alone?
Sending a daughter away to overnight camp requires a leap of faith. Way, way back when I went to Brown Ledge, this was less true. ...