Matt Edkins is originally from Northeast Pennsylvania, but has been living in Potsdam, NY for the last two years. Matt graduated from St. Lawrence University in 2019 where he studied environmental sociology as well as gender and sexuality. Matt is currently in graduate school at Clarkson University studying environmental policy. Matt has coached the diving team at Clarkson for the last two years and will be heading into his third year in the fall. Matt started diving at 10 years old and dove all the way through college. Matt worked in the diving department at Brown Ledge in 2018 and 2019. In summer of 2020, he taught an online fitness course to campers since in-person camp was not possible 🙁 For fun I like to run, play tennis, watch movies, and cook! Matt is so, so excited for camp this year, summer 2021! Look out for him stretching in the grass somewhere or singing theater songs at the top of his lungs on Saturday nights!