
COVID-19 Update 03/18/20

Dear Parents,  The saying goes that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  Here’s hoping that March and the ...

COVID-19 Update 04/13/20

Dear Parents, For those of you who celebrated Passover or Easter this past week, we hope that you had a lovely, if slightly different or ...

Words Matter: “Rude” vs “Mean” vs “Bully”

By: Kathy Neilsen Have you ever noticed that words can lose their meaning, or at least their power because of overuse?  That happened to us ...

Challenging the Cult of Speed

Challenging the Cult of Speed by Kathy Neilsen It is hard to pinpoint when the era of excess in children’s activities began. Most baby ...

Let’s Talk

  by: Kathy Neilsen We know that cell phones are ever present in modern American life. What is less clear is the effect that this ...

Book Review: Homesick & Happy – How Time Away from Parents Can Help a Child Grow

In his 2012 book Homesick and Happy, one of the first things author Michael Thompson does is outline what parents cannot give their children.  Despite our ...


During the gray days of winter, campsickness can sink into your bones. Sometimes the only remedy is to fully immerse yourself into a camp memory. ...