Brown ledge typically employs 3 counselors in the arts and crafts department. They usually have a background in crafts or art; either professionally or by education.

2016 Arts and Crafts Staff


Stina Pepin has a long history at Brown Ledge, starting as an au pair in the 90s.  She now comes to camp each summer from her native Denmark to head the arts and crafts program.  Brown Ledge alums may remember arts and crafts as a sleepy department that only comes alive on rainy days.  Stina has developed the program over the years and now arts and crafts is one of the most popular places in camp no matter what the weather. Stina developed the popular “sewing license” which, once attained, allows girls independent access to the bank of sewing machines in the back room where dresses, skirts, and handbags are among the items that are crafted there. During the winter months, Stina has been training with a program for at-risk youth and she will begin an advanced degree in the fall.

Ally Stevens is returning for a second summer in arts and crafts.  Ally is a second generation Brown Ledger and was a camper from 2006-2008.  She graduated in December from the University of Pittsburgh with a dual major in applied developmental psychology and marketing.  Education and art form the basis of Ally’s career pursuits.  Art therapy is a special interest and Ally has volunteered with children with cancer at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.  After camp, Ally plans to travel to Southeast Asia to work with children in a nonprofit setting.

Chrissy Alford was also a second generation Brown Ledge camper.  She grew up in Warwick, New York and she has just graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City where she majored in textile and interior design.  Chrissy studied drawing, painting, and photography and she has designed multiple collections of textiles for interiors and apparel.  In addition to the arts, Chrissy loves outdoor adventure.  She plans to travel after camp before moving to the west coast.